Sunset Jr High Cheer Sponsors 2024-2025
Sunset Jr HighAs a Sunset Jr High Cheer Sponsor, 50% of your donation will go towards the cheer program to aid in the cost of things such as: conditioning equipment, student incentives to encourage school spirit, props & spirit signs for our new mascot, and service projects such as our annual Sub for Santa program. The other 50% will go directly to your sponsored cheerleader to help offset their cheer fees. SPONSOR INCENTIVES BRONZE $100 - Combined shoutout to all Sponsors on the Cheerleader's Instagram page with a link to your Instagram handle. - Recognition on the Cheerleader's page on the Sunset Jr High website. SILVER $200 Everything in the Bronze Package plus: - Small sized company logo on a banner that will be seen in 3 different local parades and displayed in the school gym for one (1) full calendar year. GOLD: $300 Everything in the Silver & Bronze Packages plus: - Recognition with a link to your website on the homepage of Sunset Jr. High's website. - Medium sized company logo on a banner that will be seen in 3 different local parades and displayed in the school gym for one (1) full calendar year. PLATINUM: $500 + Everything in the Gold, Silver & Bronze Packages plus: - Recognition to your company will be attached to one of the principal's Sundevil Messages, an email that is sent out to over 1,200 e-mail recipients. - Large sized company logo on a banner that will be seen in 3 different local parades and displayed in the school gym for one (1) full calendar year.