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Bountiful HS DECA Nationals Fundraiser

Bountiful High School
$3,312.00  of  $10,000.00 goal

Bountiful DECA is thrilled to announce that several of our dedicated students have earned the opportunity to compete at the prestigious International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California. This event is more than a competition; it's a transformative experience. Here, students not only apply their classroom knowledge to real-world challenges and showcase their hard-earned skills in business and marketing on an international stage, but they also have the option to attend various leadership academies, where they can gain invaluable knowledge and insights. Throughout the year, our students have poured their passion and intellect into their projects, and now, they stand ready to represent our school, community and State at an international level. However, to make this dream a reality, we need your support. Your generous donations will directly contribute to covering essential expenses such as transportation, accommodations, competition fees, and other critical resources that our club needs. By supporting our Bountiful DECA team, you're not just funding a trip; you're investing in the future leaders of the business world. Every donation, no matter the size, brings our students one step closer to this unparalleled educational experience. Let's come together to empower our youth and make their Nationals journey not only possible but unforgettable.

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