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Drill 2024-2025 Titan Football Program Fundraiser

Syracuse High School

The Syracuse High Dance Line are excited to be producing the 2024-2025 Titan Football Program. Each high quality 8x10 program will be sold during the Titan home football games. This is a great opportunity to support Syracuse High School while advertising to families in the Davis County Area. All ads will be printed in black and white. The front cover will be designed by the football team and the back cover is saved for Mountain Land Physical therapy who provides the school trainer. SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION: FULL PAGE- $275 ¼ PAGE - $125 NAME LISTED AS A SPONSER - $50 ½PAGE - $175 BUSINESS CARD - $100 MINI CHEER TEE SPONSOR - $50 NOTES ON ARTWORK AND PAYMENT All artwork and payments must be submitted no later than Thursday, JUNE 27th - Artwork MUST be submitted DIGITALLY, either by email or via flash drive. Please submit in a .JPG or .PDF format. Please email artwork to Please put "sponsor" in the subject line. - Artwork submitted needs to be formatted to the size of ad you are buying. - Payment and this form may be submitted to Syracuse High School c/o Dance Line Program by cash, check or QR code. All checks should be made payable to Syracuse High School. Memo Line Dance Liner's Name. - If you have any questions, please contact the Syracuse High School Dance Line Dancers listed below. Thank you for your continued support of Syracuse High School!

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