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Syracuse High Dance Line Mini Dancer Clinic & Halftime Performance

Syracuse High School
$5,835.00  of  $3,000.00 goal

Dance Line Mini Clinic offers young dancers ages 3-18 a chance to attend two days of workshops taught by the Syracuse High Drill Team. Participation in Mini Clinic includes: Two days of workshops, a t-shirt, and the opportunity to perform the halftime routine at Syracuse High School Titans football game on Friday. August 23rd at 7pm. Each dancer will also receive 1 wristband for admission to the game for a parent or guardian. Additional tickets to the game will be available to purchase on the school's website. Register by August 12th to be guaranteed a Mini Dancer T-Shirt.   Clinic Dates & Times: Wednesday, August 21st  at 4:30PM registration/check-in. Clinic starts at 5:00PM , 7:00PM & Thursday. August 22nd  at 5:00PM , 7:00PM   Performance: Friday. August 23rd  at 7:00pm (Dancers will meet at the end of the 1st quarter outside the northwest entrance of the field.)   Pricing: $30 for the first dancer. $25 for each additional dancer in the same family.     Additional Information: Register by August 12th to be guaranteed a Mini Dancer T-Shirt. Late registration is accepted until August 21st (First Day of Clinic)

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