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Adelaide Elementary

Purchase Options

  • $0.50
    Sponsor a student per lap they run $.50 per lap
    Pledge $.50 per lap that your students sponsor completes * make sur to enter student's full name*
  • $5.00
    PAWsitively Awesome Runner
    Donate $5.00 to a student sponsor that is participating in the race. * enter student's full name*
  • $10.00
    ROARing Runner
    Donate $10.00 to a student sponsor that is participating in the race. * enter student's full name*
  • $20.00
    Donate $20.00 to a student sponsor that is participating in the race. * enter student's full name*
  • Corporate Sponsor
    Sponsor a student or the school with a flat donation. Choose the amount you would like to donate.

  • $1.00
    Kitty Paw
    Donate $1.00 to a student sponsor that is participating in the race. * enter student's full name*


Please donate to our 16th annual Adelaide elementary Jog-a-thon fundraiser. Students will run laps to earn money. Donations will fund field trips, family involvement activities, drama club, teacher / staff appreciation, field day and more. *****Please be sure to note the name of the students that you are sponsoring ***** This can be done under "comments" when you check out. Thank you.

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