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Knight Trek 30th Anniversary

Kaysville Jr High
Knight Trek Registration Form, please print, fill out, and return to

KJH is celebrating 30 years of Knight Trek on October 26 at 9:00 AM, registration is $20 per person. You can register for the race here and/or also make a donation of any size. The money will be used towards Emergency Preparedness Supplies for KJH. Donations of larger amounts will add your logo to our Knight Trek T=shirts or get you a banner for the gym or fence, as follows. $250 Donation - Business Logo on back of T-shirt, also renews previous banner to hang in gym for current school year, if applicable. $500 Donation - Logo on T-Shirt plus 4X6 banner hung in the gym for the current school year. $1000 Donation - Logo on T-Shirt, plus banner in gym, and banner on outside west front fence. Plese print off the registration form and email it to All registrations need a form sent to us. You can also register in the main office. Due date to be guaranteed a shirt is October 6. For donations $250 or larger, please send your business logo to

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