WXHS Unified Polar Plunge
Woods Cross High School"Woods Cross Unified Sports Polar Plunge- This is our annual fundraiser for Unified Sports. Our Athletes and Partners participate in Soccer, Basketball, and Track throughout the school year. We are asking for general donations and when we hit the benchmarks listed below, Woods Cross faculty will take the plunge into Farmington Pond. Students that want to take the icy plunge can do so with a donation of $20. If you are a student and are interested in taking the plunge yourself, please mark it in the comments section. If you are donating to see a faculty member plunge, please mark that option in the comments. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Romano- coromano@dsdmail.net Polar Plunge- 2025 Saturday February 22nd @10:00am Farmington Pond- Farmington, Utah We will have a canopy and tarp to change out of your wet clothes afterward. Please bring a towel if you are taking the plunge.