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Teen Center Fundraiser - Shoreline

Shoreline Jr High
$2,066.00  of  $25,000.00 goal

Shoreline Jr. High is on a mission to make a difference, and we need your help! We're embarking on an exciting fundraising campaign with an ambitious goal of raising $25,000 for the Davis High Teen Center. This isn't just about reaching a number. It's about building a space for students in our community who may not have resources at home, to go and be successful and independent. Our friendly rivalry with Legacy Jr. High has added an extra layer of excitement to our fundraising efforts. Each school has just 3 weeks to raise as much money as we can in this friendly competition to benefit our teen centers! Any amount will help. If each student was able to raise just $25, we would smash through that goal!! Any amount helps though so whether it is $5 or $50 we thank you for your help in our goal to serve the community! Thanks for your donation!

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