Polar Plunge
Northridge High SchoolTake the Plunge!! February 22, 2025 at Farmington Pond from 10:30 am to 11:00 am. Northridge has over 50 athletes in Unified Sports, participating in Special Olympics teams for soccer, basketball, and track. These students compete alongside peers with and without intellectual disabilities in district tournaments, regional tournaments, and State Championships. Our goal is to create a more inclusive school environment, supported by programs like Special Olympics and Pals uKnighted - which promotes inclusion beyond sports. Both groups are Taking the Plunge to raise awareness for acceptance and inclusion. We'd love your support to help us reach our goal! **We're excited to open this event up to all clubs and teams at Northridge! Each group will pay a fee to Take the Plunge, and the money they raise will be used to support their program. When donating, please be sure to write the name of the club or team you want your contribution to go to in the comments box. If no specific club is listed, the donation will go toward Unified Sports and Pals uKnighted. Thank you for supporting our teams and clubs, and for helping make a positive impact in our community! Funds raised will be used for: practice gear, transportation, game snacks, and inclusion activities.