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No Hunger Zone

Davis Foundation

Purchase Options

  • I would like to help!
    Please accept my donation to assist with any of the food assistance programs!

  • $15.00
    Pantry Packs
    Sponsor a student for a month! Each week they receive a pack with meal items, milk, juice and snacks
  • $25.00
    Emergency Food Box
    Provide 3 dinners and 3 Breakfasts for a family!
  • $50.00
    Sponsor a Principal Pantry
    Many children arrive at school hungry! Provide nutritious snacks for 150 students
  • $100.00
    For $100...
    You can assist four families with an Emergency Box for the weekend!
  • $150.00
    Sponsor 10 students
    Provide 10 children Pantry Packs for one month!
  • $200.00
    For $200...
    You funds will assist 600 students who come to school hungry!


The Davis Education Foundation, along with partnerships with the Bountiful Food Pantry and the Davis Hospital and Medical Center, has focused on making Davis County a "No Hunger Zone." Did you know that almost 17,000 students in our district do not know from where their next meal will come? Such food insecurity adversely impacts our students not only educationally, but also emotionally. To assist these students and their families, the Foundation has set a goal to raise $100,000 to combat food insecurity. For every dollar raised by the Foundation, Davis Hospital and Medical Center and the Bountiful Food Pantry will match, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. Your dollar will create two dollars to fight hunger. How will these funds be used in this fight? Every school will have access to any of a number of opportunities: food vouchers, Principal Pantry, Pantry Packs, Emergency Food Boxes, and Community Pantry. This is how we create a "No Hunger Zone." Thank you not only for your continued support of the Davis School District, but also for joining our efforts to make Davis County a "No Hunger Zone." No child should have to worry about her next meal. Together, we can make this a reality. "For it is in giving that we receive." -Francis of Assisi Please take a minute and watch our message below.

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