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Clearfield High Teen Center

Davis Foundation

Purchase Options

  • Apply my donation where it is needed most

  • Hygiene Kits
    Individualized kits for students with the hygiene items necessary for daily care.

  • Supplies for the Teen Center
    Please use my donation to purchase consumables for the center (detergent, towels, shampoo, soap etc.

  • Teen Clothing
    Socks, shoes, underwear, hoodies/sweater and such.



Clearfield High Teen Center

"Every Kid is one caring Adult away from being a success story." Josh Shipp We invite you to "Be the One." The Davis County community has a quiet, but pervasive problem effecting our youth population: homelessness. There are more than 1,200 homeless children in Davis County, 300 of which are High School Students. Students facing hunger and homelessness often do not have access to regular hot showers, hygiene supplies, or laundry facilities to keep clean. These factors leave students in need feeling uncomfortable and hopeless when they come to school. Davis Education Foundation in partnership with the school district has repurposed an existing space on the campus at Clearfield High School that will provide homeless students with a safe place to shower, do laundry, and study, as part of their class schedule. The center will be open for use in March 2021. We will need a continuous supply of consumable materials as the center is operational. All assistance is welcome and needed. "We could only shower once a week because the water bill was too expensive. It was difficult acting 'normal'." -- Elia, former Clearfield High School student

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